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[Note.--The system of pronunciation here followed is the English system, because it is the one at present most used among English-speaking peoples. In it the letters have substantially their English sound. Upon the continent of Europe the pronunciation of Latin and Greek is in like manner made to correspond in each nation to the pronunciation of its own language, and thus there is much diversity among the continental systems, though they resemble each other more closely than they do the English. In England and America also the continental methods of pronunciation have been extensively used. Thus Æneas may be pronounced A-na´-ahss; Aïdes ah-ee´-daze. Since the true, the ancient, pronunciation has been lost, and, as many contend, cannot be even substantially recovered, it is a matter of individual preference what system shall be followed.]


Abderus (ab-dee´-rus), 244.
Absyrtus (ab-sir´-tus), 226.

Academus (ak-[)a]-dee´-mus), 268.
Achelous (ak-e-lo´-us), 254, 278.
Acheron (ak´-e-ron), 132, 250.
Achilles ([)a]-kil´-leez), 131, 291, 287, 297.
Acis ([=a]´-sis), 105, 167.
Acrisius ([)a]-crish´-e-us), 189, 205, 209.
Acropolis ([)a]-crop´-o-lis), 189.
Actæon (ak-tee´-on), 91.
Admete (ad-mee´-te), 244.
Admetus (ad-mee´-tus), 76, 119, 216.
Adonis ([)a]-don´-iss), 59.
Adrastia (ad-ras-ti´-ah), 142.
Adrastus ([)a]-dras´-tus), 272.
Æacus (ee´-[)a]-cus), 34.
Ææa (ee-ee´-ah), island of, 67.
Ægean Sea (ee-gee´-an), 287.
[53]Ægeus (ee´-juce), 259, 262, 264.
Ægina (ee-ji´-nah), island of, 230.
Ægis (ee´-jiss), 26.
Ægisthus (ee-jiss´-thus, th as in both), 305.
Ægle (egg´-le), 163.
Ægyptus (ee-jip´-tus), 135.
Aello ([)a]-el´-lo), 137.
Æneas (ee-nee´-ass), 304.
Æolus (ee´-o-lus), 170, 210.
Aër ([=a]´-er), 12.
Æsacus (es´-a-cus), 284.
Æsculapius (es-cu-la´-pe-us), 177.
Æson (ee´-son), 213.
Æetes (ee-ee´-teez), 215, 222.
Æther (ee´-ther), 12.
Æthiopia (e-thi-o´-pe-ah), 207.
Æthra (ee´-thrah), 259, 267, 288.
Ætna, Mount (et´-nah), 100.
Agamemnon (ag-[)a]-mem´-non), 94, 286, 305.
Agave ([)a]-ga´-ve), 127, 205.
Agenor ([)a]-jee´-nor), 203.
Ages, 22.
Aglaia (ag-lay´-yah), 163.
Agraulos ([)a]-graw´-l[)o]s), 122.

Agrigent (ag´-ri-jent), 213.
Aïdes (a-i´-deez), 52, 130, 250. --helmet of 206, 208.
Aïdoneus (a-i-do´-nuce), 130. Air, 12.
Ajax ([=a]´-jax) the Greater, 298. --the Lesser, 305.
Alcestis (al-ses´-tiss), 76.
Alcinous (al-sin´-o-us), 228, 318. Alcippe (al-sip´-pe), 113
Alcmæon (alk-mee´-on), 273, 277. Alcmene (alk-mee´-ne), 35, 234. Alecto (a-leck´-to), 138.
Alexander (al-ex-an´-der), 284. Aloidæ (al-o-i´-de), 113. Alpheus (al´-fuce), 242.
Altars, 191.
Althea (al-thee´-ah, th as in both), 90. Altis (al´-tis) the, 41.
Amalthea (am-al-thee´-ah), 15.
Amazons (am´-a-zons), 244, 258, 264. Ambrosia (am-bro´-zhah), 15.

Amor ([=a]´-mor), 150.
Amphiaraus (am´-fe-a-ray´-us), 273.
Amphidamas (am-fid´-a-mass), 221.
Amphilochus (am-fil´-o-cus), 277.
Amphion (am-fi´-on), 33.

Amphitrite (am-fe-tri´-te), 104, 167. Amphitrion (am-fit´-re-on), 35, 234. Amycus (am´-i-cus), 219.
Anaitis-Aphroditis (an-a-i´-tis-af-ro-di´-tis), 92. Ananke (an-ang´-ke), 147.
Anciliæ (an-sil´-e-e), 115. Androgeos (an-dro´-je-oss), 262. Andromache (an-drom´-a-ke), 295, 304. Andromeda (an-drom´-e-dah), 207.

Antea (an-tee´-ah), 256.
Anteos (an-tee´-[)o]s), 248.
Anteros (an´-te-ross), 150.
Antigone (an-tig´-o-ne), 271, 275.
Antinous (an-tin´-o-us), 321.

Antiope (an-ti´-o-pe), 32.
Antiphates (an-tif´-a-teez), 311. Aphareus (af´-a-ruce), 34.
Aphrodite (af-ro-di´-te), 58, 99, 152. Apollo ([)a]-pol´-lo), 68.
--(Roman), 83.
Apple of Discord, 39.

Arachne (a-rak´-ne), 45.
Arcadia (ar-ca´-de-ah), 240.
Arctos (ark´-t[)o]s), 35.
Areopagus (a-re-op´-a-gus), 44, 113, 212.
Ares ([=a]´-reez), 99, 112.
--grove of, 215.
--field of, 223, 225.
Arete (a-ree´-te or ar´-e-te), 228, 318.
Arethusa (ar-e-thu´-sah), 163.
Aretias ([)a]-ree´-she-ass), 221.
Argia (ar-ji´-ah), 272.
Argives (ar-jives), 274.
Argo, 215, 230, 321.
Argonauts (ar´-go-nawts), 213.

Argos (ar´-g[)o]s), 209, 216, 283. Argus, 224.
Argus-Panoptes (pan-op´-teez), 36.

Ariadne (a-re-ad´-ne), 128, 263.
Aricia (a-rish´-e-ah), 97.
Arion (a-ri´-on), 275.
Aristæus (ar-iss-tee´-us), 81.
Aristodemus (a-ris´-to-de´-mus), 282.
Aristomachus (ar-is-tom´-a-cus), 282.
Arsinoë (ar-sin´-o-e), 278.
Artemis (ar´-te-miss), 87.
Ascalaphus (ass-cal´-a-fuss), 55, 250.
Asclepius (ass-clee´-pe-us), 71, 76, 176.
Ashtoreth (ash´-to-reth), 61.
Asphodel meadows (ass-fo-del), 133.
Astarte (ass-tar´-te), 61.
Astræa (ass-tree´-ah), 85.
Astræus (ass-tree´-us), 68.
Astyanax (ass-ti´-a-nax), 304.
Atalanta (at-a-lan´-tah), 89.
Ate ([=a]´-te), 149.

Athamas (ath´-a-mass), 111, 215. Athene (a-thee´-ne, th as in both), 43. Athene-Polias (po´-le-ass), 44, 189, 199, 264. Athens, 264.
Atlas, 207, 248.

Atreus, ([)a]´-truce), 282.
Atropos (at´-ro-p[)o]s), 139.
Atys ([=a]´-tiss), 19.
Augeas (aw´-je-ass), 242, 254.
Augurs, 196.
Aulis (aw´-lis), 97.
Aurora (aw-ro´-rah), 13, 67.
Autochthony (aw-tok´-tho-ny), 22.
Autolycus (aw-tol´-i-cus), 235, 251.
Autonoe, (aw-ton´-o-e), 205.
Avernus (a-ver´-nus), 132.
Avertor ([=a]-ver´-tor), 180.
Averuncus (av-e-run´-cus), 180.

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