FORUM, market place and open square for public meetings in Rome, surrounded by court houses, palaces, temples, etc
FRANCUS, son of Histion, grandson of Japhet, great grandson of Noah, legendary ancestor of the Franks, or French
FREKI, one of Odin's two wolves
FREY, or Freyr, god of the sun
FREYA, Norse goddess of music, spring, and flowers
FRICKA, goddess of marriage
FRIGGA, goddess who presided over smiling nature, sending sunshine, rain, and harvest
FROH, one of the Norse gods
FRONTI'NO, Rogero's horse
FURIES (Erinnyes), the three retributive spirits who punished crime, represented as snaky haired old woman, named Alecto, Megaeira, and Tisiphone
FUSBERTA, Rinaldo's sword