PHOEBE, one of the sisters of Phaeton
PHOEBUS (Apollo), god of music, prophecy, and archery, the sun god
PHOENIX, a messenger to Achilles, also, a miraculous bird dying in fire by its own act and springing up alive from its own ashes
PHORBAS, a companion of Aeneas, whose form was assumed by Neptune in luring Palinuras the helmsman from his roost
PHRYXUS, brother of Helle
PINABEL, knight
PILLARS OF HERCULES, two mountains--Calpe, now the Rock of Gibraltar, southwest corner of Spain in Europe, and Abyla, facing it in Africa across the strait
PINDAR, famous Greek poet
PINDUS, Grecian mountain
PIRENE, celebrated fountain at Corinth
PIRITHOUS, king of the Lapithae in Thessaly, and friend of Theseus, husband of Hippodamia
PLEASURE, daughter of Cupid and Psyche
PLEIADES, seven of Diana's nymphs, changed into stars, one being lost
PLENTY, the Horn of
PLEXIPPUS, brother of Althea
PLINY, Roman naturalist
PLUTO, the same as Hades, Dis, etc. god of the Infernal Regions
PLUTUS, god of wealth
PO, Italian river