SHATRIYA, Hindu warrior caste
SHERASMIN, French chevalier
SIBYL, prophetess of Cumae
SICHAEUS, husband of Dido
SEIGE PERILOUS, the chair of purity at Arthur's Round Table, fatal to any but him who was destined to achieve the quest of the Sangreal (See Galahad)
SIEGFRIED, young King of the Netherlands, husband of Kriemhild, she boasted to Brunhild that Siegfried had aided Gunther to beat her in athletic contests, thus winning her as wife, and Brunhild, in anger, employed Hagan to murder Siegfried. As hero of Wagner's "Valkyrie," he wins the Nibelungen treasure ring, loves and deserts Brunhild, and is slain by Hagan
SIEGLINDA, wife of Hunding, mother of Siegfried by Siegmund
SIEGMUND, father of Siegfried
SIGTRYG, Prince, betrothed of King Alef's daughter, aided by Hereward
SIGUNA, wife of Loki
SILENUS, a Satyr, school master of Bacchus
SILURES (South Wales)
SILVIA, daughter of Latin shepherd
SILVIUS, grandson of Aeneas, accidentally killed in the chase by his son Brutus
SIMONIDES, an early poet of Greece
SINON, a Greek spy, who persuaded the Trojans to take the Wooden Horse into their city
SIRENS, sea nymphs, whose singing charmed mariners to leap into the sea, passing their island, Ulysses stopped the ears of his sailors with wax, and had himself bound to the mast so that he could hear but not yield to their music
SIRIUS, the dog of Orion, changed to the Dog star
SISYPHUS, condemned in Tartarus to perpetually roll up hill a big rock which, when the top was reached, rolled down again
SIVA, the Destroyer, third person of the Hindu triad of gods
SKALDS, Norse bards and poets
SKIDBLADNIR, Freyr's ship
SKIRNIR, Frey's messenger, who won the god's magic sword by getting him Gerda for his wife
SKRYMIR, a giant, Utgard Loki in disguise, who fooled Thor in athletic feats
SKULD, the Norn of the Future
SLEEP, twin brother of Death
SLEIPNIR, Odin's horse
SOBRINO, councillor to Agramant
SOMNUS, child of Nox, twin brother of Mors, god of sleep
SOPHOCLES, Greek tragic dramatist
SPAR'TA, capital of Lacedaemon
SPHINX, a monster, waylaying the road to Thebes and propounding riddles to all passers, on pain of death, for wrong guessing, who killed herself in rage when Aedipus guessed aright